5 Tips to handling deadline at work place

Dead line is must for a proper goal setting. Sometines particularly in work place dead lines creates a undue pressure and anxiety within you.

Here are five key tips to help you get deadlines into perspective.

(1) There must be a deadline with each major goal. To get mximum value from your action plan you need to attach a time plan.

(2) Every baby steps in your action plan needs its own deadline.

(3) Do not put unrealistic deadline. You should set your deadline after careful analysis of your ability, available time and all the other things you need to do in your life. If you put tight deadlines, it will push you to work hard but it may be damaging for your health and over all performance. You should enjoy what you are doing.

(4) Be strict of your small deadlines, but more flexible on your big ones. Push yourself to meet your short term aims and you’ll be amazed at how much more satisfaction, self esteem and extra motivation you’ll gain each time you cross off a step along the way.

(5) Always remember that missing a major deadline is not a failure, provided you have consistently taken action from the begining.

Keep doing what you’re doing. You’ll be there real soon and never forget that wherever you are now, you’ve come a huge distance from where you started.

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