Anxiety and Depression

How's the old happy meter looking these days? Is your level of bliss up to expectation? Don't you laugh; these are all legitate question. It seems that people need loads of catalysts to stir a little happiness. There are many who suffer from it and do not even know the reason. I take a gander at our youth and wonder what happened. How can so many teens suffer from bouts of anxiety and depression? I do not remember experiencing this affliction as a child or teenager. Regardless,anxiety and depression are dilemmas that must be dealt with.

Do you know someone who suffers from social anxiety idsorder depression? This is no laughing matter; nor is it anything to be ashamed of. But, it is still a problem that need to be dealt with. I am totally shocked at all the anxiety and depression troubling teenagers in this modern world. What do they have to be down about? Of course,provided that they have a decent home life and the necessities. I can still clearly remember when I was a child. I didn't need anyone but me and my imagination. The sky was the limit for fun and excitement. Even when I was younger, I will entertain myself with things I enjoyed doing. These days the concept of good old-fashioned fun seems to have gone to the birds. Children across the country suffer from anxiety and depression. And some of these juveniles have no cause for their torment and melancholy. Is it possibly the media warping their young perception? One must admit it's a tad difficult to understand why some one with their entire life ahead of them, and hardly any work to do would be down. Luckily, there are ways to deal with anxiety and depression. Another popular alternative is counseling. So if you do know someone suffering from anxiety, you need to help them. Many of these individuals will not acquire help on their own.

A good way to understanding anxiety and depression is via the Internet. There are many online sites that can educate you on the effects and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Sleeping too much, avoiding others, staying inside, lack of motivation and failing to eat are all signs of anxiety and depression. If this is all too familiar to you, it is time to get help.

3 Simple Tools For Time Management


There are no hard and fast rules about what tools you must own, if you are going to embark on a mission to improve your time management skills. The following simple tools, however, are inexpensive, and can help make the process of tracking, planning and organizing your time easier and less burdensome.

Time Monitor Journal- This resource comes in both the digital and traditional varieties. It is useful in helping you to monitor and record your own use of time, in order to identify key areas for change.

While a special journal is not needed, you may find that a ready made one saves you time in the long run, by doing the majority of the work for you prior to the actual recording of your activities.

Planner- Available in digital and traditional formats, planners are wonderful for recording goals, making notes, keeping track of appointments and more. A planner is a must have to help you stay organized and on target, when working toward your goals.

Select a planner that allows you enough room to keep track of a number of appointments and daily goals, but that is small enough so that you are able to carry it with you at all times.

Organizer- These can be useful for planning a specific project, or managing a number of projects all at the same time. Digital and traditional versions of project organizers are available that can help you stay on top of the job.

Time Management - About Time Boxing

Time boxing is a system of time management which breaks down a long and complex task into smaller pieces. Each piece of the task must be accomplished by a specific deadline. In time boxing deadlines are not flexible, but everything else in the project is.

In time boxing a large task is broken down into several sections. Each section has specific guidelines for its completion. When the boxes are first “laid out”, along with their deadlines, the project may be very detailed. As each deadline approaches, if the tasks first pinpointed in the time box are not near to completion, certain aspects of those tasks may be scraped.

One example of this type of time management system might be to consider a script for a motion picture. The scenes are laid out in boxes, with 5 or 6 scenes to be completed at each deadline. As the deadline approaches one of scenes may be dropped, in order to finish the completion of that section of the project on time.

Time boxing does not work in every instance. The key element to this system of time management is the deadline. In some cases if the deadline is not met, the entire project is scraped as a result.

The system works best when a strict budget must be adhered to, thus preventing the extending of deadlines, in order to finish the work.


Controlling Techniques for Anxiety Panic Attacks

Anxiety disorders are regrettably proving to be more common and there are several different side effects. One of these is the panic attack. Anxiety panic attacks are draining to many folks, making them feel powerless and much overcome with emotion. If you have ever felt this way, then you realize how important they are to control. Read on to find out how to cope with anxiety panic attacks and discover more about them on the way.

An anxiety panic attack is a symptom of different anxiety disorders. If you suffer from them, then it is essential to realize what they are. An attack is when the anxiety together with stress levels in a person balloon to a degree where they cannot control it. They rapidly start to fear their surroundings, think they are dying, having a heart attack, or are going nuts. It is a cognitive sequence where your mind will tell your body that it is going through a likely non-existent discomfort. The experience can last for a period of one minute up to fifteen minutes. Oftentimes an attack will cause a person to live in fear of the next attack, which only worsens the symptoms.

Maintaining a cool head during an anxiety panic attack is hard to do, particularly when you suffer from an anxiety disorder. Nonetheless, if this is something you have to manage for the rest of your life, it is crucial to master the art of stress management. Anxiety panic attacks come on rapidly so the best thing to do in most cases is to calm down and then lay down. Once you do this, you can try to calm your brain by stating that it will pass by and saying to yourself that the pain you are feeling is not real. You can try to prevent these episodes by asking yourself why do I have anxiety attacks and figuring out what triggers them off. For example, do they occur in certain situations or do negative thought processes bring them on?

It is possible to take the controlling techniques to a higher level in order to eliminate your anxiety panic attacks. You can begin by teaching yourself relaxation practices. You should opt for something that is right for you. Several of the more popular options are listening to relaxing music, reading and employing yoga. Once you understand what an anxiety panic attack is and what to do to bring them under control, your life should be on the road to recovery. Anxiety disorders can make life complicated but with a clear head and a lot of determination you should be able to manage whatever they throw your way.

Time Management & Goal Setting

Time Management Tools

While technology is at its most advanced state today, there remains to be a lot of things to juggle for a typical career-oriented woman. For most family-oriented women, there is the burden of juggling work, career, family and other factors involved in one's social life. 

You can read more on Time Management & Goal Setting

The answer is Goal Setting. Many highly successful persons are often asked what their secret to success is. And more often than not, they have the same response, and that is Time Management. However, although this is almost an expected response, many are still surprised at how Productivity really works.

Time Management is quite simply the proper allocation of time for certain important tasks. First, the important tasks have to be arranged in a certain way where it is clustered into sectors and listed according to urgency and importance. For example, the important parts of your life are career, you parents, your home, your art, and your family. You have to know which one to drop first whenever you need to do something.

After that, you will need help from some Goal Setting Tools designed to aid you in the correct process of prioritization AND remembering that order.

Quick-and-Easy teasers

Goal Setting Tools & Time Management Techniques

There are a lot of persons who need lots of reminder when it comes to taking care of small businesses. Often, they are too medium sized that they are disregarded as unimportant. If you are one of them, buy some quick-and-easy Reminders. What's good about technology is you can probably put a tickler just about everywhere! Cellular phones nowadays have built-in organizers, post-its are available in different variants, and even the good old fridge door magnets have come in a lot of forms.

What is important is that the frequency of the reminding is now being increased. This is good for Goal Setting because it keeps you aware of the things which you have to do especially if they're urgent.

The organzing device of your choice + Watch Tandem

These are staples for just about every busybody from the college beadle to the corporate leader. The organizer is something that holds your appointments and it's also a tiny little space for some writing. Busybodies usually have contact numbers of random people they meet, gifts for a not-so-relevant birthday party that he has to go to or some sudden brilliant ideas that come to mind. For these and more, you will need an organizer. It has to be a little agenda, just enough to fit in a small handbag, and should be made of durable material. You must bring your organzing device of your choice with you every day, in case you need to list something down as a reminder.

And indeed, the perfect complement to an organizer is a good working watch. Just because your watch didn't work well You may have experienced running late for an appointment.  What's worse is that the person you're meeting wouldn't even believe you. This blunder can easily be avoided. Just get a high quality watch. Having a good sense of time is practically the first step in Productivity.

The Perfect manner of thinking

It's pressuring to know that you have a lot of things in your hand and it seems like you can't even do anything about it. Don't tip over. 

Moreover, keep a be on your toes kind of manner of thinking as you maneuver your way into your busy life. Sure, there are times when you distance yourself from your organizing device of your choice. It is a painful reminder of the busy life they lead for some. It's perfectly alright to feel some sence of urgency but take some time off once in a while. You must never forget yourself in your list of priorities.

More on how to get more done

Easy Relaxation Techniques For Busy People

If you are busy person with tight schedules then you most likely are stressed and tired all the time. You are constantly tired which is affecting your sleeping patterns. What is the correct way out for you? Learn a few easy relaxation techniques which can improve and reduce your stress. It can remove your anxiety levels as well. Learning relaxation skills will improve your sleep patterns also. The only question here is that you should find time to practise relaxation techniques.

Most relaxation skills have key skills which are common to all of them. Learning them would be a cake walk if practised regularly. Relaxation techniques are one of the easiest to learn. For starters, here is what you can do:

Notice any signs of physical tension in your body

Feel your body. Look out for signs of tension. Look out for how your body reacts and feels during different times of the day. Check out how your breathing is. Do you take very deep breaths or are they shallow breaths. Look out for head aches and clenched jaws. Will you be able to describe how your body feels at any given point of time? Looking out for all these just takes a few minutes and this process is known as body scan. A Body scan can easily reveal if you have any built up tensions in your body.

However, it is best that signs of stress and tension be recognized early. This will not only help you combat it effectively, but help you ease your tensions quickly. But it must be kept in mind that each and every person has his or her own way of reacting to stresses. One way of recognizing stress early is by doing a body scan, as described above, several times a day.

Breath Control

Breath Control is a part and parcel of every relaxation technique. If you feel you are breathing fast during a body scan, learn to slow it down. An ideal cycle would be 10-12 breaths per minute. Use abdominal breathing and learn to breath deeply and slowly. In fact, slowing down your breathing is one of the best and fastest relaxation techniques. This is because it changes the concentration of oxygen in your body. It can also help in easing muscle tension. Yoga Exercises do incorporate a lot of effective breathing exercises which can be applied effectively.

It would be good if you start noticing the way you breathe. Is it plain, shallow breaths, or fast? Is your chest and throat feeling tight? Try changing your breath pattern and check if it has any effect on your level of tension. For starters, do not straight away take big deep breaths. You are sure to harm yourself by hyperventilating yourself or become light-headed which will increase your tension.

Slow you Mind

In these busy days, almost every one has their mind occupied with one or other issues. It could be just things to do, or a whole lot of tensions, or it could be just plain worry. Usually, people have serious trouble switching themselves off from the worry mode. One way to get out of this worry mode is by letting go of your thoughts. Also, during the regular body scan, try noticing when your mind is active and when it is calm. That way you are keeping track of how busy your mind is.

As with any other area, even the sphere of relaxation is subject to myths. Most people do think that relaxation means emptying your mind of thoughts. That is next to impossible. During relaxation you can't let go of your thoughts, but you should just let them float about without attempting to concentrate on them. It is akin to sitting at a bus station; buses come and go and there is no rule that you should climb every bus that comes your way.

The ideal ways to relax yourself is to start noticing for signals. Noticing for body tension, controlling your breathing, as well as slowing down your mind, are the very basics of relaxation techniques. As the adage goes, "Practise makes a man perfect". Practise more and you will be able to relax much more effectively in a much quicker time.

Get a free Stress Management 7-Part E-Course and receive a free mp3 download of an interview with a clinical social worker ('Coping With Stress') with your first issue.
Visit for details and get loads of great relaxation tips and strategies for coping with stress. Free meditation report also available.

10 Ways to Begin Taking Control with Positive Thinking.

10 Ways to Begin Taking Control with Positive Thinking.

At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But for many with ADD, having negative thoughts is not uncommon, due to all the frustrations and overall feelings of discouragement that are brought on by it. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.

Positive thinking will help people with ADD to better concentrate on their accomplishments and strengths, giving them more motivation and joy in life. It will help in better using your time to work on making progress, rather than feeling discouraged and helpless. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns :

1. Remember there is only ONE of YOU, so taking good care of yourself is first and foremost.

When you take good care of yourself by eating healthy, exercising and getting adequate rest, it is much easier to be positive.

2. Make a List of the Things You are Grateful for in Life

When you take the time to remember some of the things that are good in your life, then stress from the challenges you face are not as difficult. By just taking a few minutes each day to think and vocalize appreciation for the good things, it will make you feel better and be stronger.

3. Don’t give in to ’making assumptions’, but instead discipline your mind to look for proof or actual facts.

A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member’s bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them. Otherwise you will spend a lot of wasted time worrying about it, so it is best to get the facts and not make an assumption based on a thought impression.

4. You Should Not Use Absolutes

Words like, ’ALWAYS’ or ’NEVER’ when used in a negative descriptive way, such as: "You NEVER call me any more" will only increase the negative experience. Thinking and speaking absolutes in this way will only work to make the situation seem worse than it really is, and will cause you to believe something about others that very well may not be true.

5. Detach From Negative Thoughts

Our thoughts determine the way we live and therefore you need to discern them and discipline yourself to overcome negative thinking. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, recognize it for what it really is and don’t follow it.

6. Squash the "ANTs"

Dr. Daniel Amen, founder of the Amen Clinics for, ADD tests and ADHD Tests, authored a book called; "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life", in which he talks about the ’ANTs’ - Automatic Negative Thoughts.

ANTs are usually negative reactionary thoughts, like "They are talking about me behind my back" or "The boss is looking for me, it must be because I did something wrong"! Begin to recognize these ANTs for what they really are, and then stomp down on them!

7. Begin to show your family and friends positive physical contact with a hug, smile, pat on the back or welcoming handshake.

Giving and receiving a good hug can go along way in making your day better. Showing positive physical contact with your family and friends and even your pets, is a great ’feel good’ interaction, one that we all need in life. There was a research study conducted, in which a waitress was told to gently touch some of her customers on the arm as she gave them their checks. Her tips were noticeably higher from the ones she touched, then from the customers she did not touch!

8. Be Involved with Some Sort of Social Activity

By increasing social activity, you will decrease loneliness. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way.

9. Be Involved with Helping Other People or Volunteer in an Organization

Everyone feels good after helping. There are several ways to do this, you can volunteer your time, resources or money. You may have heard it said, ’Give and it shall be given’, this is a true saying and the more positive energy you put in the world, the more you will get back.

10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Harmful Thoughts.

If you find yourself beginning to think negatively, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Recognize old thought patterns that may be hyper-focusing on something negative. It’s never productive, because it’s not rational or solution-oriented, it’s just excessive worry. You can change what your thinking by doing something different, like going for a walk outdoors. You could also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music.

You can also find good quotes, bible verses or sayings that will help you be positive, the following are two of my favorite quotes, that motivate me to be positive: Oprah Winfrey - "Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness." A Swedish Proverb - "Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours"

Time Management: How To Finish Multiple Task In A Short Period Of Time

These days many people are now required to perform a variety of tasks at the same time There are many who are able to perform these multi-tasking activities quite easily, however there are also many that are unable to and easily get overwhelmed with the volume of tasks that they need to complete in a short time frame Should you be one of the many that encounter problems of time management, then it would be appropriate for you to start learning the ways and methods by which you can manage your time effectively. The art of time management can quite easily be learned and mastered so it should not be something that you should worry to much about for the mean time. Once you develop your time management skills, you will soon be breezing through your multiple tasks almost effortlessly.

Getting Started

One of the first items on your list that you should do to learn time management is to set your priorities and manage your goals Before you even start with each task you need to complete, you should first create a to-do list and then rank the items on this list based on priorities The to-do list is a very important step, as this list will be your guide when you start the tasks that you need to do, and this list will also keep track of your progress as you tick of each item that has been completed. The list will also help you analyze and determine which of the tasks need to be accomplished first and this will assist you in prioritizing each individual task.

Making Your Priorities

Being able to set your priorities for each given day is very important. You need to know which things must be done first and which ones can be left towards the end of the day. To set your priorities, you need to develop criteria. When setting your criteria, you will need to consider the relevance of a specific task and the time relevance towards the other tasks. As an example, if you happen to be working multiple projects simultaneously, you will need to determine which tasks in each are critical and which ones are not. Also if you happen to be doing a series of tasks, you need to determine which tasks need to be finished first that is most urgent before proceeding to the next set of tasks.


The ability to be able to schedule your tasks is very important when it comes to time management. You will have to learn ways to be able to split your day so that more tasks can be accomplished. Every minute counts when it comes to time management, and in order to be able to accomplish more, you should give yourself hourly deadlines. For example, you assign yourself one hour to work on a specific task and when the hour is over, move on to the next task on the list.

{Which Anger Management Truths Should You Believe?}

{Do you get aggressive when you get angry? If you do, you should know that aggression is a learned behavior and is not part of human behavior. Animals naturally get aggressive when they get angry. The fact of the matter is that aggression is not a natural human trait. Which is the more reason you should learn how to get rid of it in the first place.}

{Before you react to anybody or anything that makes you angry, stop and think about whether it is worth it or not. Anger can be especially destructive if you fail to take its potential consequences into account. You need to be able to weigh each and every action before you react in anger.}

{Having a close friend that you can talk to in times of anger can help you control it. You can call up a friend or mail them when you are being threatened with the tide of anger. You can get a friend to help walk you through anger management techniques.}

{If you are thinking of enrolling for an anger management program, know this - Anger management programs are not created to teach you the art of repression or suppression. Anger management programs are geared towards giving you a tangible positive form of expression for your anger. Anger management classes make you a better person in the long run.}

{You can easily take control over your anger by adopting a philosophical outlook in life. When you are tempted to get angry, ask yourself, does this situation warrant my anger? Try and be logical and philosophical about your reaction. That away you will be able to rein in any unnecessary outburst of anger.}

{Empathizing with the person who makes you angry is one fine anger management technique. When you wear the shoes of your protagonist and feel the pinch, you will be more inclined to forgive any slight on his or her part. Empathy- the process of empathizing with the person who angers you is fast becoming a popular anger management technique.}

{Learning all about anger can help you understand its destructive potential. If you don’t know how to, consider attending anger management classes. Anger management classes teach you what anger can do if it isn’t controlled. The more you learn about anger, the less you will get angry.}

{The more you know about anger, the better your chances of handling it. Anger is not a terrible emotion on it’s own, unless it is used as a violent means of expression. To overcome anger, try and understand it and its effects on you and people around you.}

More insightful articles about anger management can be found at

Proper Stress Management For The Workplace

On-the-job stress is a commonly occurring problem in today’s society. For most workers, job-related stress comes with the territory so it’s important to develop coping skills. Stress can be minimized if you know the things that cause it in your workplace and develop ways to keep your sanity in the midst of it all.

Here are some of the common stressors in the workplace and ways to handle them:

Unprofessional Co-Workers

Most of us have had to deal with rude co-workers at one time or another. Having to be exposed to that rudeness can cause a lot of stress for anyone, making their job performance suffer needlessly.

There are a few ways to handle this kind of situation. First of all, decide if it’s something that really bothers you or not. Sometimes just ignoring them is all you need to do your job effectively.

When ignoring them doesn’t work, you may want to try talking the situation out with them. Sometimes, they may not even know that they’re coming across as being rude. Getting it out in the open relieves that added stress.

If direct confrontation does help quell the bad behaviors contact you supervisor. State your complaints in writing in a formal tone. Make sure to explain what behaviors are bothering you and how they are affecting your work performance. Try to avoid emotional pleas and high temper complaints. Remain factual and offer supporting information and your superior will most likely side with you and assist in rectifying the situation.

Poor Management

If unprofessional co-workers are unpleasant to deal with then poor management has to be twice as stressful. The options for dealing with poor managers are more limited, but there is no reason to let poor management style give you stress or anxiety. As will co-workers ignoring the behavior is the first and most preferable option.

If that doesn’t work, then you’ll have to go over their head to someone else and tell them what’s going on. Keep a list of the things the boss has said and done and share it with an HR person or whomever is suitable to discuss them with.

Suffering silently with a management problem is not a good idea. It will make you miserable and anxious and eventually flow on to decrease your productivity and effectiveness. Most places of business want to hear about these types of situations and will do what they can to correct them.

Assignment Overload

Trying to manage an unreasonable workload will certainly cause a lot of anxiety. Accept only the amount of work that you can deal with in a given period of time. Take any assistance offered by co-workers and return the favor when they need help. Working together can have far reaching rewards.

Discovering, reducing, or eliminating workplace stress where possible is a positive step towards having a fulfilling and productive work experience. Stress in the workplace is inevitable, but correctly managing stress can help prevent job burnout and increase job satisfaction.

Get Josh Murphy's latest free report 'Self-Care Boot Camp' - jam-packed with more great stress relief information at Check out the site for more great info on topis like relieving stress as well as a free weekly newsletter that subscribers can't get enough of!

Easy Relaxation Techniques: The Foundation of Good Health

In these days of busy lifestyles, it is a rarity that people find time for themselves. They are stressed out and badly need a time for relaxation. But their lifestyle ensures that they have no time for relaxation.  Relaxation can not only recharge your worn out batteries but has innumerable benefits for the mind as well as body.  But unfortunately people are too busy to even find time for some simple relaxation exercises.

The key to improving your general health and well being is a regular relaxation time period. This regular practise will allow the body to recover from the daily stresses it faces as well as allow it time to heal.  Even better it is a shield that can help you cope with problems and tensions when they occur. Even better, it prevents the build up of pressure.

What does it feel like being relaxed? Various people have had various experiences while relaxing.  But an agreed factor is that being relaxed is like feeling drowsy accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, while some report feeling light.  Essentially, deep relaxation is a state where your body is free from muscle tension and there is a slowing down of your mind.  One thing that can be assured when you are coming out of a relaxed state of mind is that you will certainly feel fresh and alert.

There are numerous positive benefits that relaxation has on the human body, including:

1. Lower Heart rate
2. A slow breathing rate
3. Blood pressure is lowered
4. Muscles get relaxed
5. Requirement of oxygen is much lower when you are relaxed
6. Slows down the number of thoughts
7. Calmness and peace descends on your body

Regular use of relaxation techniques offers many health benefits:

1. Blood Pressure is lowered
2. The regular aches and pains are reduced to a large extent
3. High level of alertness
4. Concentration is improved to a great extent
5. Anxiety and panic feelings are reduced
6. Angry outbursts and irritability are lowered to a tremendous extent
7. Better reaction to pains
8. Emotional reactions to problems is reduced
9. Study Skills are enhanced
10. A feeling of being in control
11. Increased ability to handle stressful situations
12. Immune systems functions at an improved level

Relaxation can benefit all age groups . Though relaxation would mean doing nothing to a lot of people, the body actually will be doing a lot of work even in a complete state of relaxation. This is essential for good health. Relaxation can even help when you are recovering from an illness or trying to improve your health.Maximum improvement is obtained only when relaxation techniques form part of your recovery strategy.

Relaxation is a very inexpensive way of boosting your health. The human body as such is not designed to be active or in a state of tension all day.  Relaxation is a great way to put your body into peak working condition thereby improving its ability to cope with stress, think clearly and a feeling of being in control during stressful situations.  Set aside some time each day to listen to relaxation tapes without interruptions.  Soon you will be glad to find yourself in a healthy state feeling fit and eager to get going.

Get a free Stress Management 7-Part E-Course and receive a free mp3 download of an interview with a clinical social worker ('Coping With Stress') with your first issue.
Visit for details and get loads of great relaxation tips and strategies for coping with stress. Free meditation report also available.

Are You Displaying These Symptoms of Stress More Than You Realise?

Stress is a normal facet in our lives. We thrive on a little stress because it keeps us focused and enables us to stay mentally alert. Sometimes, though, stress can start to take over and cause us to have anxiety attacks.

The anxiety attacks can come on unnoticed and they can seem like everyday stress-related problems. If these attacks continue to go untreated, they can dramatically harm one's life very quickly.

Recognizing the symptoms of an anxiety attack is an important first step to treatment. Though everyone reacts to stress in different ways some common indicators of unhealthy anxiety include difficulty concentrating, racing or uncontrollable thoughts, memory lapses, and feelings of confusion. In order to recognize the indicators for an anxiety attack, you have to understand the symptoms of stress first.

When an attack is occurring, some physical symptoms may be more prevalent. Difficulty breathing, heart pounding or palpitations, weakness or shaking, gastrointestinal discomfort and temperature disturbances are all possible problems that may occur.

During the height of an anxiety attack the physical symptoms can be so overwhelming that that they are upsetting. People often report feeling “out of control” of their body or as if they are “dying.” The first time a person experiences an anxiety attack they are unlikely to identify the symptoms of those of anxiety and are more likely to feel that they are experience a heart attack, stroke, or serious medical emergency.

Often it is someone else who notices the symptoms of an anxiety attack. Once an anxiety attacks are suspected immediate medical attention should be sought. Anxiety attacks have similar symptoms to more serious, life threatening medical conditions.

When the physician rules out anything medical and determines that they are anxiety attacks, he may start them on some type of medication to help relieve them of some of the symptoms and encourage the patient to seek a counselor.

A therapist will gather information about your past and present life and work with you to figure out the major sources of your stress. Once you understand what’s causing the attacks, you can work with your doctor and counselor to determine your plan of action. A therapist is trained to help you learn to cope with your stress in healthy ways.

There are many websites devoted to the use of relaxation techniques that reduce symptoms to a more manageable level and breathing exercises to improve oxygen intake, which could help slow down a racing heart rhythm.

As the stress in your day to day life increases, there are many strategies for coping. Getting assistance in learning how to manage your anxiety is the first step. Determining the major stressors in your life and developing an effective strategy to cope with them will increase your comfort level and bring hope back into your life.

Get Josh Murphy's latest free report 'Self-Care Boot Camp' - jam-packed with more great stress relief information at Check out the site for more great info on topis like stress symptoms as well as a free weekly newsletter that subscribers can't get enough of!

How to manage stress

People with full schedules and busy lifestyles tend to get more prone to a higher rate of stress. Stress and its nature vary from simple to complicated. For instance, taking care of your children can cause stress while facing debts and financial commitments can do the same thing as well. Because the various stressful matters differ slightly than one another, almost everyone wishes to stray away from any stress-generating source. Stress management teaches you how to get your stress lessened to the minimum while dealing well with it.

Basic Methods

When it comes to stress management, a lot of us tend to imagine aromatherapy, Yoga or any other type of spiritual therapy. However, stress management brings about a much deeper meaning. Stress management methodology offers you a wide variety of choices to pick from. This can easily get you to do without Yoga. You should know that some of these ways are simple while others require more perseverance. Read on to check some of the simple various stress management routines.

Stay organized and try to avoid doing everything at the last moment. Stress management starts at something as simple as getting the clothes you are going to wear next morning ready just one night earlier. Also, you can always make use of an organizer to remind you of important meetings and events. Organizing your day shall set your head clear and get you to avoid more stress as you would not be very concerned about your weak memory anymore. The most effective element in such a stress management method is that it allows you to get every single step well organized on your mind leaving you almost nothing to be stressed about.

Furthermore, try some brain exercises and you would notice how that would positively affect your stressed out head. You should know that even little stress could have the worst impact on you. Hence, via stress management related exercises, both your brain and body would learn how to naturally unwind and calm down. Being extremely stressed out has a negative impact on your body’s muscles and in turn it affects your overall performance. There are a great number of exercises from which you can pick the best and the most enjoyable for you. All sports and workouts can be effective stress management methods. So, enjoying your time while coping with stress at the same time would become much easier now.

Both organizing your day and exercising are considered part of the stress management program that allows you to deal with stress and get the control over it. Organizing your time and tasks should minimize the level of stress and over pressure that you are dealing with in your everyday life. On the other hand, Resorting to exercising calms you down both; physically and mentally. Stress is a common problem affecting us all, yet you can always rely on the different stress management routines.