10 Ways to Begin Taking Control with Positive Thinking.

10 Ways to Begin Taking Control with Positive Thinking.

At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But for many with ADD, having negative thoughts is not uncommon, due to all the frustrations and overall feelings of discouragement that are brought on by it. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.

Positive thinking will help people with ADD to better concentrate on their accomplishments and strengths, giving them more motivation and joy in life. It will help in better using your time to work on making progress, rather than feeling discouraged and helpless. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns :

1. Remember there is only ONE of YOU, so taking good care of yourself is first and foremost.

When you take good care of yourself by eating healthy, exercising and getting adequate rest, it is much easier to be positive.

2. Make a List of the Things You are Grateful for in Life

When you take the time to remember some of the things that are good in your life, then stress from the challenges you face are not as difficult. By just taking a few minutes each day to think and vocalize appreciation for the good things, it will make you feel better and be stronger.

3. Don’t give in to ’making assumptions’, but instead discipline your mind to look for proof or actual facts.

A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member’s bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them. Otherwise you will spend a lot of wasted time worrying about it, so it is best to get the facts and not make an assumption based on a thought impression.

4. You Should Not Use Absolutes

Words like, ’ALWAYS’ or ’NEVER’ when used in a negative descriptive way, such as: "You NEVER call me any more" will only increase the negative experience. Thinking and speaking absolutes in this way will only work to make the situation seem worse than it really is, and will cause you to believe something about others that very well may not be true.

5. Detach From Negative Thoughts

Our thoughts determine the way we live and therefore you need to discern them and discipline yourself to overcome negative thinking. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, recognize it for what it really is and don’t follow it.

6. Squash the "ANTs"

Dr. Daniel Amen, founder of the Amen Clinics for, ADD tests and ADHD Tests, authored a book called; "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life", in which he talks about the ’ANTs’ - Automatic Negative Thoughts.

ANTs are usually negative reactionary thoughts, like "They are talking about me behind my back" or "The boss is looking for me, it must be because I did something wrong"! Begin to recognize these ANTs for what they really are, and then stomp down on them!

7. Begin to show your family and friends positive physical contact with a hug, smile, pat on the back or welcoming handshake.

Giving and receiving a good hug can go along way in making your day better. Showing positive physical contact with your family and friends and even your pets, is a great ’feel good’ interaction, one that we all need in life. There was a research study conducted, in which a waitress was told to gently touch some of her customers on the arm as she gave them their checks. Her tips were noticeably higher from the ones she touched, then from the customers she did not touch!

8. Be Involved with Some Sort of Social Activity

By increasing social activity, you will decrease loneliness. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way.

9. Be Involved with Helping Other People or Volunteer in an Organization

Everyone feels good after helping. There are several ways to do this, you can volunteer your time, resources or money. You may have heard it said, ’Give and it shall be given’, this is a true saying and the more positive energy you put in the world, the more you will get back.

10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Harmful Thoughts.

If you find yourself beginning to think negatively, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Recognize old thought patterns that may be hyper-focusing on something negative. It’s never productive, because it’s not rational or solution-oriented, it’s just excessive worry. You can change what your thinking by doing something different, like going for a walk outdoors. You could also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music.

You can also find good quotes, bible verses or sayings that will help you be positive, the following are two of my favorite quotes, that motivate me to be positive: Oprah Winfrey - "Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness." A Swedish Proverb - "Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours"