Time Management: How To Finish Multiple Task In A Short Period Of Time

These days many people are now required to perform a variety of tasks at the same time There are many who are able to perform these multi-tasking activities quite easily, however there are also many that are unable to and easily get overwhelmed with the volume of tasks that they need to complete in a short time frame Should you be one of the many that encounter problems of time management, then it would be appropriate for you to start learning the ways and methods by which you can manage your time effectively. The art of time management can quite easily be learned and mastered so it should not be something that you should worry to much about for the mean time. Once you develop your time management skills, you will soon be breezing through your multiple tasks almost effortlessly.

Getting Started

One of the first items on your list that you should do to learn time management is to set your priorities and manage your goals Before you even start with each task you need to complete, you should first create a to-do list and then rank the items on this list based on priorities The to-do list is a very important step, as this list will be your guide when you start the tasks that you need to do, and this list will also keep track of your progress as you tick of each item that has been completed. The list will also help you analyze and determine which of the tasks need to be accomplished first and this will assist you in prioritizing each individual task.

Making Your Priorities

Being able to set your priorities for each given day is very important. You need to know which things must be done first and which ones can be left towards the end of the day. To set your priorities, you need to develop criteria. When setting your criteria, you will need to consider the relevance of a specific task and the time relevance towards the other tasks. As an example, if you happen to be working multiple projects simultaneously, you will need to determine which tasks in each are critical and which ones are not. Also if you happen to be doing a series of tasks, you need to determine which tasks need to be finished first that is most urgent before proceeding to the next set of tasks.


The ability to be able to schedule your tasks is very important when it comes to time management. You will have to learn ways to be able to split your day so that more tasks can be accomplished. Every minute counts when it comes to time management, and in order to be able to accomplish more, you should give yourself hourly deadlines. For example, you assign yourself one hour to work on a specific task and when the hour is over, move on to the next task on the list.