Proper Stress Management For The Workplace

On-the-job stress is a commonly occurring problem in today’s society. For most workers, job-related stress comes with the territory so it’s important to develop coping skills. Stress can be minimized if you know the things that cause it in your workplace and develop ways to keep your sanity in the midst of it all.

Here are some of the common stressors in the workplace and ways to handle them:

Unprofessional Co-Workers

Most of us have had to deal with rude co-workers at one time or another. Having to be exposed to that rudeness can cause a lot of stress for anyone, making their job performance suffer needlessly.

There are a few ways to handle this kind of situation. First of all, decide if it’s something that really bothers you or not. Sometimes just ignoring them is all you need to do your job effectively.

When ignoring them doesn’t work, you may want to try talking the situation out with them. Sometimes, they may not even know that they’re coming across as being rude. Getting it out in the open relieves that added stress.

If direct confrontation does help quell the bad behaviors contact you supervisor. State your complaints in writing in a formal tone. Make sure to explain what behaviors are bothering you and how they are affecting your work performance. Try to avoid emotional pleas and high temper complaints. Remain factual and offer supporting information and your superior will most likely side with you and assist in rectifying the situation.

Poor Management

If unprofessional co-workers are unpleasant to deal with then poor management has to be twice as stressful. The options for dealing with poor managers are more limited, but there is no reason to let poor management style give you stress or anxiety. As will co-workers ignoring the behavior is the first and most preferable option.

If that doesn’t work, then you’ll have to go over their head to someone else and tell them what’s going on. Keep a list of the things the boss has said and done and share it with an HR person or whomever is suitable to discuss them with.

Suffering silently with a management problem is not a good idea. It will make you miserable and anxious and eventually flow on to decrease your productivity and effectiveness. Most places of business want to hear about these types of situations and will do what they can to correct them.

Assignment Overload

Trying to manage an unreasonable workload will certainly cause a lot of anxiety. Accept only the amount of work that you can deal with in a given period of time. Take any assistance offered by co-workers and return the favor when they need help. Working together can have far reaching rewards.

Discovering, reducing, or eliminating workplace stress where possible is a positive step towards having a fulfilling and productive work experience. Stress in the workplace is inevitable, but correctly managing stress can help prevent job burnout and increase job satisfaction.

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