9 Tips for Stress Management Techniques In Workplace

Positive humor is essential for stress management at work place. Positive humor is fostered by a positive attitude, positive creativity and constructive actions.

9 Tips for Using Positive Humor in the Workplace

1. By all means tell jokes and humorous stories.
2. Listen to great joke tellers, learn their jokes and pass them on as you see fit.
3. Tell humorous stories from your life, especially your childhood.
4. Be creative in presenting the jokes.
5. Making fun of yourself is an age-old humor strategy that works extremely well!
6. Use ice breaker and energizer games for group settings. Make them invitational (some people just don’t want to participate). One of my favorite ice breakers involves getting people to share humorous stories about themselves with one another.
7. On breaks or during celebrations, play nonsense, cooperative and low competition games for fun. Emphasize that it doesn’t matter who wins the game; it’s for fun! The more mistakes that are made, the more fun it is.
8. Practical jokes can be a lot of fun! There are practical jokes you can buy, e.g., the “whoopee” cushion, the hand buzzer, exploding golf balls, etc
9. Celebrate successes and achievements (small and big) and recognize coworkers with fun gifts and cards, as well as personalized gifts. Recognition is something everyone wants. Whether it’s job success, personal achievement, birthday, holiday, other special occasions, or "just because I’m thinking of you," we all like the special attention given to us.

Author is a motivational speaker, trainer, humorist. She authored several best seller books in self improvement, anger management, stress management, how to influence others.

Importance of Stress Management for Elderly Patients

In elderly people, SBP generally increases, whereas DBP decreases, leading to increased prevalence of isolated systolic hypertension, defined as an SBP of more than 140 mm Hg and DBP of less than 90 mm Hg. Chobanian and colleagues reported in the May 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association that a reduction in SBP of 5 mm Hg is linked to a 7% decrease in mortality.

Stress management resulting in the RR can effectively treat essential hypertension, as described by Schneider and colleagues in the January 2005 issue of the American Journal of Hypertension.

This double-blind, randomized trial evaluates whether RR vs lifestyle modification results in decreased SBP and successful elimination of an antihypertensive medication.

You can read the entire article by Laurie Barclay, MD by clicking the link : Stress Management, Lifestyle Modification Help Control Systolic BP in Elderly Patients

Journey to self improvement – 4 steps

You can achieve anything in your life by controlling your mind. Here you will find 4 simple steps to change your mind and control your life.

1. You have to accept that you can do improve yourself. This is the basis, the foundation, the thesis if you will, of all self improvement.

2. You have to know how you do the change. You have to believe that everything you need is already inside you. You have to know how to use that something within yourself (i.e. your mind) to achieve your goals.

3. There is plenty of information on self improvement. People look for one more book, one more article, one more principle, one more tip to find that magic formula for self improvement. Generally people lost in this never ending hunt to gather all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together.

You need to apply what you learn and instead seek comfort in theoretical knowledge alone.

4. You have to consciously accept that there is a natural process to human achievement and goal.
Subscribe to my newsletter to get 10 parts course on motivation.

How to cure depression naturally?

One of the root causes of depression and anxiety is severe stress. Here we will discuss how herbs can help you to cure depression.

Depression and anxiety are common in the modern world but there is no single effective cure.

Why should you use herbs for depression?

1. Many of us trust natural herbs in place of common medicine simply because natural plants rarely have side effects in the long run.

2. Natural herbs to cure depression almost always will obtain the results desired but won’t show the results immediately.

3. Healing plants improve your overall health and immune system rather than concentrate on depression alone.

4. Two herbs that help reduce depression for sure are Amoryn and St. John’s Wort. Most effective natural depression remedies contain pharmaceutical-grade St. John’s Wort extract.

Benefits of herbal medicine

1. The beauty of herbs is that they don’t cause more health problems than they cure.
2. It is not recommended to use any herbal medicine just because you saw an ad for it, or your friends say it helped them, because herbal medicine should only be used when needed.

Overall, there are so many different herbs for depression that can be used for medicinal purposes. To discover what herbal treatments are available for your condition collect info about what herbs can do for your health. You should consult your doctor before you take any step.

Do People Avoid You Because You Get Angry Quickly?

Normally stressed people get angry quickly. In this article by Elizabeth Scott, M.S. you will find some excellent tips on stress and anger management.

Perception Affects Anger and Stress

Certain events often trigger anger or stress in many people, but the degree of anger or stress that is experienced has to do with how a person perceives and interprets what is happening to them. For example, two people can be cut off in traffic. One person might interpret the gesture as a lack of respect, a threat to physical safety or a hostile gesture, and get angry. Another person may figure that the offending driver may not have seen them, or might be wrapped up in their own thoughts, and let the event roll off their back. In both cases, there was a stimulus, a belief, and a response; the belief, or interpretation, of the stimulus is what led to the different responses.

Some People Are More Prone To Anger And Stress

Some people have inborn personality traits that make them more susceptible to anger and stress. For example, some people are naturally more observant than others; this can make them more likely to notice things that might make them angry—things that may go unnoticed by someone else. Some people are naturally less comfortable with change, which can also cause stress and anger in certain situations. Other people have a low tolerance for frustration, and get angrier more easily than others. Some of these tendencies can be seen early in life, but these tendencies can be softened.

Attitudes Cause Anger and Stress

Our habitual thought patterns, which can be somewhat altered with practice, contribute to our experience of anger or stress. Some people tend to interpret things negatively as a matter of habit. They may attribute someone else’s error to malicious or unkind motives, for example. They may take one negative event as a sign that more negative events are to come, which can contribute to anger and stress.

Click here to read more on anger and stress management

7 Ways To Motivate Yourself

Are you feeling stressed ?

I found an excellent article on 7ways to trigger the zone by Brad.

Here are a few of Brad's tips for getting in the zone

1. Put in 5 minutes - I like to call this the 5 minute productivity breakthrough. If you are putting off a task, or not feeling like getting to work on it, that is the time to put in 5 solid minutes on it. ...

2. Eat a mid-morning apple - Eat a light breakfast of a bowl of cereal or two slices of toast and a cup of coffee. The fructose zaps your system and puts you into overdrive.

3. Get Regular Aerobic exercise - An efficient body works efficiently and is more streamlined for the zone. I recommend 4-5 times a week of rapid walking or jogging for 30 minutes or more.

4. Take A caffeine nap - If you are on the edge of the zone, but sort of cloudy in the head, try a caffeine nap. You just drink a cup of coffee and immediately doze for 15 minutes.

5. Stop working at a fun part - If you’ve worked a long stretch in the zone, one way to ensure you get back into it is to stop working at a fun part. Almost like a kid at an amusement park, stopping gives you that “awww man!” feeling of not finishing something fun.

6. Work fast, very fast - This tip works very well with the 5 minute productivity breakthrough… Take a project and work it as fast as you can. Get some adrenalin going if you can. 1, 2, 3… knock ‘em down and take names. Remember, an object in motion stays in motion. Make your motion faster than flow state and you should relax just fine into the zone.

7. Do 5 on 5 off for 30 - Sometimes your mind just doesn’t want to cooperate. How to deal with it? Beat it into submission. Not literally of course. But take a timer and go on for 5 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. Refuse to work on your project for that 5 minutes.

You can read the full article on motivation at Brad's blog http://www.persistenceunlimited.com/2008/08/7-ways-to-trigger-the-zone-and-reader-tips/

Stress in Adolescents

Stress is commonly known as the fight-or-flight response. Acute stress is the reaction to an immediate threat.

Adolescence is, by definition, an "in-between" stage. The adolescent years are among the most stressful times in a person's life. They have more responsibility and freedom than they did as children, but less than they will as adults.

Among the many reasons why an adolescent feels stress are:

• family issues or problems with parents
• school-related problems or pressures
• death of a loved one
• move to a new home
• injuries or severe illness
• child abuse, or sexual abuse
• family or community violence

Reactions to stress vary with the adolescent's ability to cope, how long the stress continues, and the intensity of the stress. Some adolescents withdraw from others, some lash out at others, and some actively seek the comfort of others.

Signs of stress in an adolescent may include:

• withdrawal
• antisocial behavior, such as stealing, aggression, and acting out
• rebellion in the home, such as refusal to do chores
• physical complaints, such as headache and stomach ache
• missed school or poor school performance
• changes in eating and sleeping habits
• loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyed
• difficulty concentrating
• lying
• thoughts of death or suicide

Corporate Stress Management Training

Cost of work related stress

Recent estimates suggest that job stress costs U. S. business more than $300 billion a year ($7500 per worker). This costs incur due to in absenteeism, compensation claims, increased health insurance costs, and lowered productivity.

Even when workers shop up, a poor mental outlook or mounting stress takes its toll. Corporate suffers a huge loss because people are at work but are unable to function to their potential.
Ailments such as depression, fatigue, backaches, headaches, and stomach maladies cost employers more than $180 billion annually in lost productivity.

In some cases people suffered from panic attack due to extreme job pressure and tension.

Benefits of stress management training

Improved mood and performance.

Improved Health. One study of heart disease patients conducted at Duke University reports that stress-management training led to a 74% reduction in heart attacks or other cardiac events in a test group.

Strenthened Immune System. Regular stress-management reduces stress hormones int he blood stream and strengthens the body's ability to fight disease.

Cost Reduction and Productivity. Stress-management in organizations has been shown to reduce health-care costs, increase job satisfaction, improve productivity, motivation and increase company loyalty.

Click the link to find excellent informative books on stress management, anger management and motivation.

How to Overcome panic attack?

Overcoming Your Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are debilitating occurrences that effect many adults and even in some cases children of all demographics. They happen generally in stressful situations but can also occur out of nowhere and strike anyone, even those with no history of illness or mental dysfunction.

Symptoms include a quickening of pulse rate, a shortness of breath and headaches. Feelings of dread and fear are common. The person having the attack feels overwhelmed and out of control and may even claim to be going crazy. You need to change your mind to have better control on your life is the best recommendtion to control panick attck.

So what treatments are available for sufferers of this debilitating condition?

Although treatment at home is possible, one must be careful not to confuse a panic attack with a serious illness like a heart attack. Even for doctors in the emergency room this can be a concern as they are evaluating the patient. You can read my post on dealing with stress.

Treatment at home begins with relaxation of the shoulders. Become aware of any tension there and relax those muscles. After this, gently and progressively relax all of the major muscles on the upper body then down to the extremities. All along the way breathe in and out with each muscle connecting it to the specific breath.

Breathing should be controlled and slowed down to a constant rate. Put your hands on stomach and concentrate on each breath individually. Feel each one as it comes in and out. Breathe deep and full and let your body relax.

Repeating positive chants over and over again can help restore a sense of well-being. Tell yourself you are not going crazy. Talking equals breathing that is a sign of overcoming panic and being able to function like your normal self.

This is an example of treating panic attacks with relaxation techniques. Breathing exercises and other stretching practices such as yoga are known to help panic attack sufferers. Chanting a specific mantra can help calm the mind. When panic strikes so quickly, slowing things down with thoughtful actions can be the difference between the attack going away or becoming worse.

Panic can strike anywhere at any time. Recognizing specific circumstances where attacks are more likely, such as heavy traffic, dealing with a demanding boss or difficult deadlines, can help the sufferer avoid having an attack. When the attack is sudden, being trained in the right treatment, especially when no help is nearby, can be a life saver.

Click the link to read more on panic attack

No More Anxiety Attack

Mr. Rajat , one of the reader of my book on change your mind and change your life requested me to suggest how to get rid of stress and anxiety.

Here is a helpful article on different aspects of anxiety attacks

First you should accept that stress and anxiety are two separate conditions. I would say stress is a feeling of frustration and anxiety is a sense of dread, or nervousness and fear.

Causes of anxiety

1. Abnormal levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain may cause generalized anxiety.
2. Anxiety can be hereditary.
3. Environment can also cause anxiety.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

Symptoms of anxiety can range from the mild, such as sweaty hands and tense muscles, to the severe, such as irregular heartbeat, vomiting, and anxiety attacks.

When does anxiety become harmful to your health?

Chronic anxiety can lead to sleep disorders, relationship problems, depression, and high blood pressure. Chronic anxiety might also relate to a variety of serious health conditions including cancer, thyroid disease, arthritis, heart disease, and respiratory illness. Chronically anxious people may even be more likely to suffer a fatal cardiac attack.

What is anxiety disorder?

If you suffer from high amount of anxiety, you may actually suffer from anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are chronic conditions characterized by one's inability to function normally because of frequent anxiety. Anxiety disorders are serious conditions that should be treated to lower the risk of long-term negative health effects.

Anxiety treatments

Doctors feel that medication is the best treatment for chronic anxiety. Unfortunately, anxiety medications often produce serious side effects that are just as bad as or even worse than the initial condition.

Alternative medicine for anxiety

1. Exercise is highly effective for stressed and anxious people because exercise causes your body to release endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting and pain-killing chemicals.

3 recommendation to get rid of anxiety

1. Stress relief and stress management techniques are very valuable tools in handling day-to-day stress.
2. Hypnosis is by far the most effective form of treatment. Conversational hypnosis is one best resource to learn self hypnosis. Click here to read customer feedback, testimonial and my feedback on conversational hypnosis.
3. Another successful type of anxiety treatment is Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP.

Subscribe to topstressrelieftips RSS feed to get latest articles on stress management, phobia, hypnosis, panick related articles.

Swearing at work can 'cut stress'

Swearing at work helps employees cope with stress, academics at a Norfolk university have said.

A study by Norwich's University of East Anglia (UEA) into leadership styles found the use of "taboo language" boosted team spirit.

Professor Yehuda Baruch, professor of management, warned that attempts to prevent workers from swearing could have a negative impact.

But Professor Baruch discouraged swearing in front of customers.

'Maintaining solidarity'

He said: "In most scenarios, in particular in the presence of customers or senior staff, profanity must be seriously discouraged or banned.

"However, our study suggested that, in many cases, taboo language serves the needs of people for developing and maintaining solidarity, and as a mechanism to cope with stress. Banning it could backfire.

"Managers need to understand how their staff feel about swearing.

"The challenge is to master the art of knowing when to turn a blind eye to communication that does not meet with their own standards."

News source: Stress management latest info

Stress Relaxation and Natural Pain Relief

Found a great artcile on stress relaxation in webmd.

Chronic pain is complex. Research over the past 25 years has shown that pain is influenced by emotional and social factors. These need to be addressed along with the physical causes of pain. Chronic stress is one factor that contributes to chronic pain. The good news is that you can get natural pain relief by making relaxation exercises a part of your pain-management plan.

The Body's Response to Stress

To understand how natural pain relief works, it's important to understand how stress affects your body. Pain and stress have a similar effect on the body: your heart rate and blood pressure rise, breathing becomes fast and shallow, and your muscles tighten.

More on stress relaxation

4 Tips To Anger Management using Top Stress Management Tips

Do you frequently shout at people for no reason?

Are you unable to cope up with your short temperedness?

This can be a chronic case of stress disorder that requires immediate attention as a part of effective stress and anger management tips.

Poor anger management not only make one’s life miserable beyond control but also leads to poor social skills where one is unable to cope up with relationships. Poor communication skills coupled with angry disposition can jeopardize healthy relationships. Always remember that anger takes toll of your relations apart from increasing stress. If you are suffering from job related pressure, you can read my post on 7 tips to handle stress management in the workplace.

For all those who are living in delusion of perfect world should understand that looking for perfect world is a utopian. Making high aspirations and not being able to achieve them is the root of case of disenchantment and anger. To ensure that avails benefit of stress and anger management, one should believe in hard work and aim for achievable goals with all dedication.

To get the best stress and anger management, one can take recourse to online stress and anger management courses that help you in curbing anger. Some of the best tips with online courses and E-books include meditation, relaxation techniques and benefits of calmer disposition that leads to healthy life.

Controlling and mastering one’s emotions is the best way to achieve stress and anger management and in this regard, it is essential to take immediate help from counselors or online resources that offer you tips and strategies to control your anger. This will surely help you in channeling your energy in the right direction.

Always remember to keep your calm and cool thereby reducing stress related disorders. Anger management counseling helps in keeping your calm and developing an affable disposition that makes you a favorite at home and workplace.

4 Tips for Positive Anger Management

Anger is human and it is a naturally occurring emotion. For better anger management, you should do followings:

1. Do not allow anger to take control of yourself. Do not feed your anger otherwise it will destroy you.
2. Finding and placing blame is the greatest source of feeding anger so avoid playing blame game.
3. Instead of enflaming the anger by discussing it, you should learn the technique to diffuse it.
4. Anger can prevent us from proper thinking so teach your mind to stop for few minutes and take couple of deep breath.
You need to accept that everything in life is not perfect and you are not perfect.

Give your personality a pleasing makeover with top 77 stress management tips.

Conversational hypnosis is another well known solution which can change your life with proven stress and anger management tips while turning you into a sober person.

Tips For Dealing With Anxiety

If you are experiencing a number of the common anxiety symptoms, dealing with anxiety on a daily basis, don’t make the big mistake of thinking that they are going to just disappear without you changing your lifestyle. Once you execute to developing a personal plan to change your lifestyle, your well on your way to recovery.

Dealing With Anxiety And Panic Attacks Tips

Yoga and Deep Breathing

Start every day with a 15 minute Yoga routine that emphasizes deep breathing from the abdomen and diaphragm, not the lungs. The reason this is so essential is that, lack of sufficient oxygen is the greatest contributor towards panic attacks.

Just breathing from the lungs is merely getting one-third of the oxygen delivered to other parts of your body, compared with breathing from your diaphragm and abdomen. Chest breathing affects the central nervous system too. Deep breathing assures that your brain waves will be longer and slower, thus your body calmer and more relaxed.

Dealing with Anxiety – Sleep and Diet

You must get at least eight hours of sleep every night to recover from the day’s stress and turmoil. If not, the tensions in your body will rise, not decrease. Many people have been cured of anxiety attacks just by having a daily diet that is primarily made up of natural organic fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

The rationale for this is that there are no deadly chemicals in organic food that can harm the central nervous system. You ought to only drink purified distilled water, never water from the tap. Dangerous chemicals exist in every public water system in our country.

If possible grow as many of these organic fruits and vegetables yourself. You not only have more direct control of the product, but there is soothing pleasure derived from eating something that you have grown yourself.

Causes Of Anxiety Disorders

There is no single cause for anxiety disorders. There are several causes of anxiety disorders, including genetics, brain biochemistry, an overactive “fight or flight” response, life circumstances, and learned behavior.

Anxiety disorders incline to run in families, as illustrated in the HBO hit series The Sopranos, suggesting that there is a hereditary, or genetic component to many of them. Somebody who has a family member with an anxiety disorder has a greater chance of developing an anxiety disorder, though not necessarily the same type.

Click here to read full story: Dealing with Anxiety

This is What Effective Stress Management Entails

Home stress and workplace stress have a meeting point everyday and if you suffer from both, you might have to deal with double trouble. We are the same people who are going to the office after a night of argument at home and there is therefore need for effective stress management.

One example of office stress is when a co worker has affected your productivity and you have to take the blame and the shame. It is not easy handling the two and you need professional help if the condition becomes worse. Like in all other kinds of stress, you need to be aware of the fact that you need help. Being stubborn will not do the job. You must know the signs that inform you of looming stress and stress relief techniques.

The first one is a feeling of discouragement every time your are preparing to go to work and to come home from work. The zeal, enthusiasm or excitement that had been there, suddenly vanishes and you find yourself dragging yourself to and from work. The home is supposed to a be an island for escape and a place where positivity is center stage and when this is not so, you might not even have time to deal with your stress.

Some people start to develop headaches or migraines which might see them resting in the bed with no plans to find out the root cause. You should have a proper goals for stress management.

The situation can be made worse when there are little children constantly bothering you. When you realize there is a problem, you may not put your finger on stressor right away and visiting a doctor may be in order. Some questions about your past and behavior will be tabled forth and then you can get a diagnosis which will confirm stress at work and at home.

The major remedy for the stress will be to take it easy and get your mind freed from all worries and they might get some medication to control the migraines. You are concerned about effective stress management and to deal with it, you will have to do a few things. The first thing is to establish what the stressor was exactly so that you can avoid and engage other questions in the future.

Therefore, this means that you have to come with a better way to deal with your family issues and work situation. People who have been seen to overcome this kind of stress have formed stress coping mechanisms which ensure that even if the stressors continue, your mind is somewhat immune to the effects of the stress. This does not mean that you become numb to your problems but, it simply means that you avoid the ones you cannot handle, accept the ones you can and adapt to whatever situation that you may find yourself in.

These are some of the keys to effective stress management at home or at the work place. You must also consider how stress affects you personally and know what to do when the effects of stress starts to show. Know whether the kind of stress you might be having is harmful or helpful to you. Remember, stress can be managed effectively.

Peter Gitundu is a web administrator and has been researching and reporting on stress for years. For more information on stress management, visit his site at stress management you can also post your views about stress management on my blog here stress management
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Gitunduhttp://EzineArticles.com/?This-is-What-Effective-Stress-Management-Entails&id=1340312

Six Myths on Stress

Here are six myths of stress

Myth 1: Stress & anxiety have no impact upon your productivity, or what you accomplish during the day.

Myth 2: Showing your emotions is a sign of weakness! That's why only "high strung" people respond to stress emotionally.

Myth 3: Whatever you're working on, it's important to be "on task" and focused. Downtime is a waste of time!

Myth 4: It’s not fun being bored, but really your brain could care less! Your brain responds in a consistent way, whether something is boring, interesting or stressful.

Myth 5: Your brain can do only one thing at once. Multi-tasking is stressful!

Myth 6: Your brain hates exercise! There are better ways to relieve stress.

To know more on stress management techniques, read stress management articles

Goals For Effective Stress Management

For stress management, you need to be as realistic as possible because this is the only way you will have success. You must begin with the realization that stress can become a huge problem in your life which might even end up killing you.

Stress is what happens when you feel pushed to a corner emotionally which later manifests in your whole body. The first time you experience severe stress should be the time you begin to develop realistic goals for effective stress management. You can be sure that stress is going to find you as you go about your business at work or at home therefore, it is vital to consider stress management early in life.

You need to identify every cause of stress in your life or stressors. Some people find themselves confused without clarity and this might be very risky as you loose yourself to stress. You need to resist and form a strong barrier that will enable you to have clarity and courage to face new challenges. Some stressors are failures which might be as a result of you setting very high goals for yourself. You therefore need to take into consideration your abilities and limitations and find out what you are capable of doing. When you are confident with what your goals are, go ahead and pursue them diligently.

You need to leave room for the possibility of failure because you can never be too sure. This will help you handle the outcome in a stress free manner and when you succeed, go ahead and plan for the next goals you have. Make sure you have long and short term plans and that you make a clear distinction between the two. Make sure you avoid negative influences and take every precaution like eating a healthy balanced diet to keep healthy.

Peter Gitundu is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on Stress for Years. For More Information on Stress Management, Visit His Site at STRESS MANAGEMENT You Can Also Post Your Views About Stress Management On My Blog Here STRESS MANAGEMENT
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Gitunduhttp://EzineArticles.com/?Goals-For-Effective-Stress-Management&id=1346726

stress management counselling

Reducing Stress
Our fast and busy life is responsible for stress in our life. Here are some useful tips to help reduce your stress:

1. Breathing Exercise Deeper breathing can produce calming results but like any technique it needs to be practised before hand., so that you can use it in a stressful situation like interview.

2. Relaxation You can buy CD's on relaxation music. You can listen to them while stressed.

3. Visualizatuion techniques. This is extremely useful and generates a positive feeling.

4. Professional Massage Massage therapy can be very beneficial for stress relief. Many massage therapists use aromatherapy oils, which are also beneficial.
5. Take some Exercise Buy a reliable pedometer and record your daily steps, build walking into your day even walking up stairs rather than taking the lift will help. The official recommendations are 10,000 steps but aim to improve your fitness overall by keeping a weekly log.

You can download 77 tips on stress management from http://www.topstressrelieftips.com/

Mid Life Crisis - Top 10 Symptoms

Some breeze through mid life with barely a backward glance, whilst others experience symptoms painful enough to turn their lives upside-down. But how do you know if what you're feeling is a mid life crisis? And if it is one, then what? Well, read on and by the end of the article you'll be familiar with some of the main crisis symptoms and more importantly, what to do about it.
1. No longer 'knowing' the person staring back at you in the mirror. This is a pretty sure sign that somewhere along the line you have lost connection with the essence of who you are. Getting back into alignment with your true, authentic self requires some honest soul searching, to find the answers to fundamental questions about what is important to you and what really matters.
2. Worrying about where your life is going. You may well feel you're in no-man's land - you realize there is definitely no going back but there is no clear way forward. If you don't know where you're headed, any road will take you there - so, consult your inner map and make decisions about where you WANT to go. That way, you'll arrive at your destination of choice, rather than simply ending up 'somewhere'......click here to read more on Mid Life Crisis - Top 10 Symptoms

7 Tips to Handle Stress Management in the Workplace

It is good to have some pressure at work because it provides motivation to excel and work with a bit of a sense of urgency and purpose. But, when work stress becomes too high it impacts your health, personal and family life.

Here, we will discuss 7 strategies to manage pressure at work place.

Here are some suggestions for successful stress management in the workplace:

1. You should identify the event which increases your stress level at work. If you find long drive to go to your office is very stressful and you should try to find alternative for that.

2. You need to teach yourself to say "No" to certain request for work. This is a good way to reduce work pressure.

3. Time management is the key to avoid work pressure at job. Try to isolate event which takes your maximum time. Try to avoid unwanted and unplanned meeting, avoid internet surfing and gossip at office.

4. You should regularly practice breathing exercise to reduce anxiety and pressure at work. Weight training is very helpful for effective stress management.

5. You should spend quality time with your family member and self development. This will help you to reduce office tension.

6. Humor is one of the best ways to reduce stress because it distracts you from having a stressed mindset.

7. Finally, if you do not like your job, you should plan to change your job. It's our life and health and you should actively work to manage tension and anxiety at your work place.

Are you looking for stress management tips?

I collected some of the best articles on effective stress management at my website topstressrelieftips.com . You can read my post on 16 ways to reduce stress.

Stress Management for Teachers: Tips and Tricks

Stress Management for teachers is very important because after all they have all those children to look after every day.
You already know how stressful it is to manage your own kids. In case of teacher it is multiplied by a couple times . Not only that, but they also have to deal with their actual work which means grading papers, teaching the class, taking them on field trips, and so on.

Then they also have their personal life on top of all that to worry about, which in turn creates an enormous amount of anxiety which can be very hard to deal with.

Stress Management for Teachers
There are a few different options available when it comes to stress management for teachers. Option 1 : stress management for teachers' options is group therapy. This is where different teachers can go to meet and hang out. A place they can go and talk to other teachers, learn about their stress problems, and understand what they do to deal with their stress.This gives everyone an opportunity to share their stories and to offer and receive tips and advice on what the best ways of dealing with stress is.

Optio 2: Another option for stress management for teachers is field trips. Only on these field trips no children go, only the teachers. You can even head to a gorgeous resort, as long as there are a few other teachers going with you. Usually you can sign up for this sort of thing and get a discount, but you can also set up the entire thing on your own with your teacher friends if you want.Regardless of which particular stress management for teachers idea you decide to go with, the most important thing is that you are recognizing the seriousness of stress problems and how important it is that you deal with them properly.

Are you looking for a god book on stress management for teachers?
You may read 77 stress management tips by Rita which is very god for stress management for teachers also.

16 Ways to Reduce Stress

Don’t let stress wear you down. Next time you are feeling stressed, step back from the situation and try one of the following tips to take control of the situation and de-stress:
1. Pray
2. Meditate
3. Take an aromatherapy bath
4. Get a massage
5. Give a massage
6. Write in your journal
7. Stretch
8. Practice yoga
9. Help someone in need
10. Read a book
11. Plant a garden
12. Watch a good movie
13. Get a facial
14. Cook a healthy meal
15. Eat a healthy balanced diet
16. Cut back on sugars and caffeine.....
Author : Erica Brooks
You can read the full article Erica Brooks is Owner of Stress Away Family Shop which includes Stress Away Bath Shop and Stress Away Bridal Shop. She specializes in offering products, tips and resources to help you to combat the everyday stresses of life. You can reach her at http://www.stressawayfamilyshop.com and http://www.stressawaybathshop.com