No More Anxiety Attack

Mr. Rajat , one of the reader of my book on change your mind and change your life requested me to suggest how to get rid of stress and anxiety.

Here is a helpful article on different aspects of anxiety attacks

First you should accept that stress and anxiety are two separate conditions. I would say stress is a feeling of frustration and anxiety is a sense of dread, or nervousness and fear.

Causes of anxiety

1. Abnormal levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain may cause generalized anxiety.
2. Anxiety can be hereditary.
3. Environment can also cause anxiety.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

Symptoms of anxiety can range from the mild, such as sweaty hands and tense muscles, to the severe, such as irregular heartbeat, vomiting, and anxiety attacks.

When does anxiety become harmful to your health?

Chronic anxiety can lead to sleep disorders, relationship problems, depression, and high blood pressure. Chronic anxiety might also relate to a variety of serious health conditions including cancer, thyroid disease, arthritis, heart disease, and respiratory illness. Chronically anxious people may even be more likely to suffer a fatal cardiac attack.

What is anxiety disorder?

If you suffer from high amount of anxiety, you may actually suffer from anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are chronic conditions characterized by one's inability to function normally because of frequent anxiety. Anxiety disorders are serious conditions that should be treated to lower the risk of long-term negative health effects.

Anxiety treatments

Doctors feel that medication is the best treatment for chronic anxiety. Unfortunately, anxiety medications often produce serious side effects that are just as bad as or even worse than the initial condition.

Alternative medicine for anxiety

1. Exercise is highly effective for stressed and anxious people because exercise causes your body to release endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting and pain-killing chemicals.

3 recommendation to get rid of anxiety

1. Stress relief and stress management techniques are very valuable tools in handling day-to-day stress.
2. Hypnosis is by far the most effective form of treatment. Conversational hypnosis is one best resource to learn self hypnosis. Click here to read customer feedback, testimonial and my feedback on conversational hypnosis.
3. Another successful type of anxiety treatment is Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP.

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