16 Ways to Reduce Stress

Don’t let stress wear you down. Next time you are feeling stressed, step back from the situation and try one of the following tips to take control of the situation and de-stress:
1. Pray
2. Meditate
3. Take an aromatherapy bath
4. Get a massage
5. Give a massage
6. Write in your journal
7. Stretch
8. Practice yoga
9. Help someone in need
10. Read a book
11. Plant a garden
12. Watch a good movie
13. Get a facial
14. Cook a healthy meal
15. Eat a healthy balanced diet
16. Cut back on sugars and caffeine.....
Author : Erica Brooks
You can read the full article Erica Brooks is Owner of Stress Away Family Shop which includes Stress Away Bath Shop and Stress Away Bridal Shop. She specializes in offering products, tips and resources to help you to combat the everyday stresses of life. You can reach her at http://www.stressawayfamilyshop.com and http://www.stressawaybathshop.com