Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety

Have you ever suffered shortness of breath, trembling, racing heartbeat, dizziness and sweating?  If so you may have suffered a panic attack.  Some people had the added stress of pain in their chests, this causes further panic as the symptoms appear the same as a heart attack.  Unlike a heart attack, panic attacks are not fatal and with the correct treatment they can be controlled.  If you are suffering panic attacks frequently your conditions may have developed into a panic disorder.  Whatever the degree of your panic attacks, these are the signs and symptoms of anxiety, an anxiety which is getting out of control.  This is your body telling you to stop and consider you stress levels.

Panic attacks are a very personal experience, no two people will ever have exactly the same experience.If you consider how you respond to stress you'll start to be able to build up a picture of your signs and symptoms of anxiety.For example, if you are annoyed what is the first thing which usually happens?  Do you sweat, get sweaty palms?  Does your heart race and do you get flushed?  Do you tremble or feel sick?Once you have suffered panic attacks is the likely that any future ones will follow the same form.  By looking at the signs and symptoms of anxiety in mild situations you can start to see how these accumulate to form a panic attack.  One of the most disconcerting aspects of a panic attack is the apparent randomness of their arrival.  Many people suffer panic attacks in the night, when they should be at their most rested.

One big step in addressing panic attacks is understanding what causes these signs and symptoms of anxiety.   Sometimes professional help is required to help deconstruct the environment, both mentally and physically which is causing the panic attacks.  Sometimes an apparently relaxed environment can induce a panic attack because of the association which the suffer has with this situation.  On the whole there are reasons for  all signs and symptoms of anxiety and by breaking these down and rationalizing the irrational the anxiety can be reduced.It is central to understand how and why you react to anxiety in certain ways as it will help you to use your bodies warning system when the stress levels are increasing and will help you to hold your stress in check.

If you find it difficult to understand the signs and symptoms of anxiety it is still worth persevering with as panic attacks rarely stop on their own.  Signs and symptoms of anxiety are not something you should try to work through on your own.It is critical to understand how and why you react to anxiety in certain ways as it will help you to use your bodies warning system when the stress levels are increasing and will help you to keep your tension in check.