Life Metaphors And How They Affect Us

Life metaphors are those that describe the process of living, of going through life as a human. Actually, "going through" is a metaphor itself, and in conveys a sense of something we come into and then eventually find a way out of. Some common metaphors we use include life as a journey, a game, or a dream. But how do these metaphorical perspectives affect our actions and our experience? Let's take a look at a few of them, and how to best use or avoid them.

Life Is A Movie

This one is a fairly common life metaphor. We say, "Time for my big scene," or "This is the part where..." followed by some movie reference. More than just a clever thought, this is actually a way to make sense of what is going on. Some people also unconsciously take the role of movie-goer in their own lives, feeling like they are watching the story of their life, one that is directed by some other power or person.

The movie metaphor can provide some objectivity, and so may keep a person from suffering as much as they would if they did not have this distancing perspective. A new scene is on the way, after all, and there are always unexpected plot twists that can be good news in the end. Unfortunately this also may create a sense of passivity. Maybe it would be a more useful metaphor if you saw yourself as the writer, director and producer, as well as the actors and audience.

Life Is Purgatory

Some religions explicitly use the purgatory metaphor, claiming that life is pain, and that by suffering virtuously, you get to go to some wonderful place afterwards. Perhaps it is under the influence of this idea that people work at jobs they hate for most of their lives, in order to get the "reward" when they retire. Personally, I think this metaphor sucks the joy out of life, and is best avoided.

Life Is A Party

The party is one of the "fun" life metaphors, but perhaps only for a limited time. People who treat life as a party often are self destructive and end up bitter later in life. Partying to excess has its consequences, and a party has to be paid for. If life is a party, we are understandably disappointed when we don't have the resources to keep it going strong, even though these could be perfectly peaceful and happy times for those with another perspective.

The Best Life Metaphors?

Life metaphors can be a useful way to understand our experience and enrich it. For example, a "path," "journey, or "quest," can keep you looking for a better way, and maybe motivate you to overcome any obstacles. Seeing your life as a "story," might make it more meaningful. The "adventure" metaphor could make you see life challenges as exciting and interesting, rather than as problems.

Life can be a dream, a vacation, a tragedy, or a roller coaster ride, but what would each of these do to our thinking, and so to our choices and experience? When working in a casino, I found myself using that as a life metaphor. Some players put the odds in their favor and won, while others played when the odds were against them (most players) and lost, and the "house" or casino owners always made a profit. I found myself applying these lessons in many areas of life later on.

But life metaphors can be limiting as well. A "game," for example, has winners and losers, and competition is expected. You might miss out on a lot if this is your ruling metaphor. Even "quests," or "journeys," have their limitations, since that view may not encourage relaxing and enjoying just being here now.

The metaphors we use then, should change continually for best results. This is how we get the most out of each, without being limited by it. Let your life be a movie, for example, when times are tough, and consider the later scenes in which your problems are resolved. Play the "game" when you need to make strategic choices in life. Use the metaphor of life as an "awakening," or "expansion of consciousness" to learn life lessons and develop your spirituality.

These things can be understood in many ways, and the best life metaphors are not the cleverest, but those that give you the best results in real life.