Subliminal Messages For Effortless Positive Thinking

Have you ever heard of positive thoughts attracting good fortune? Or noticed that most happy people are optimists? Have you ever observed that people who stay calm during the worst crisis are generally the ones who do not harbor negative thoughts? You must have noticed that most successful people have supreme faith in their abilities and believe that they deserve success.

You can see examples of positive thinking everywhere. Yet most of us end up spending half our lives worrying about or expecting the worst! Why? Have your worries ever actually stopped the problem or situation from occuring? Has expecting the worst situation to come true ever made it easier for you to handle the situation when it does happen? Isn’t it nicer to expect good fortune? At least you are saved the anxiety of spending hours expecting the worst. Isn’t it nicer to live a carefree life instead of spoiling our now thinking about tomorrow…when we are not even sure of what it might bring? The problem however only exists within your mind. It seems to control us. Negative thinking can always creep up on you - even when you make a firm commitment to think more positively.

Positive thinking and Re-programming the mind

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could learn to control our thoughts? If only we could control our mind instead of it working the other way? But re-programming the mind requires effort at both the conscious and the subconscious level. The following approaches might be of help:

Efforts at the Conscious level:

Positive Affirmations:

Telling yourself that you deserve the best constantly will help bring about a shift in your perception. The logic is basic - if for example you are told repeatedly that you can't dance you will start to believe it, and eventually you will avoid the dance floor and feel self conscious. Similarly if you tell yourself repeatedly that you deserve the best, the affirmation will become your truth.

Consciously diverting your mind-

Every time you catch your mind sneaking in dark thoughts, make a conscious effort to divert your attention to a positive thought. Just as anything that you do repeatedly becomes a habit, with time thinking positive will also become a habit.

Efforts at the Subconscious level:

Clinical Hypnosis-

Clinical hypnosis is a therapy through which a trained practitioner can delve into your subconscious and reprogram your mind. This is particularly helpful when you have a deep rooted habit of negative thinking or are suffering from depression induced by chronic negative thinking.

Subliminal messages-

This is a do-it-yourself approach. Subliminal messages have the power to influence your subconscious - there are even postive thinking subliminal cds. The most commonly used instruments transmitting subliminal messages (for self help) are audio cds. In such Cds subliminal messages are either hidden behind music or are played in reverse (mixed with music). Often these messages are moved above the level of human hearing (above 20,000 Hz). People who believe in the power of subliminal cds claim that listening to them repeatedly can reprogram your mind and make it easier for you to control your thoughts.

The key to keeping a positive mindset no matter what is to align your subconscious mind with your conscious thoughts - so that they are both working hard to reach the same goal, and not holding each other back.