How Controlling Your Brainwaves Can Help You Control Your Life

brain wave

I am pretty sure that the first question that comes to your mind when you read the title is - what is this guy talking about? Well, that was my initial reaction the moment someone told me that controlling my brainwaves was the key to reaching the goals in my life. I looked at him, raised my eyebrows and sniffed hard for traces of whiskey. But all kidding aside, this statement is fast becoming the norm in the personal development arena these days. Brain wave entrainment, or the technology or method of triggering specific electromagnetic waves from your cerebrum is a reality in today's society. Available in a medium as ordinary as a CD or a manual, this is the holistic solution to superior mental control and taking taking charge of your own life like you have never imagined.

The underlying concept of this technology is simple. Experts in the field have discovered that acute states of internal human abilities can be related to specific electromagnetic frequency states produced by neurons and chemical reactions within the cerebral cortex. For example, during the space of time just before or after you sleep, your brain produces low frequency waves that have been associated with states of relaxation and super learning, where information can be retained and the IQ is at its peak. It is also entirely possible to invoke states that can give you better focus, alertness, or an accelerated rate of healing within the body.

The study has been well documented. Patients in a hospital given a placebo but exposed to nurturing and supporting staff, an atmosphere that retains a sense of buoyancy and happiness, seem to heal faster than most. Steering the brain's perception towards positivity actually fires up the body's healing process. This technology has also been applied in efforts of healing mind related disease and even helping patients with amnesia regain their memory retaining capabilities.

Scientists within the field have discovered that engineered beats that have differing frequencies (beyond human hearing) can actually trigger specific responses within the brain and fire up the neurons to produce brainwaves for a specific purpose. In need of absorbing a ton of information before that crucial examination in 24 hours? Fire up the alpha state frequencies and absorb information like a sponge without breaking a sweat. Feel restless and can't seem to rest easy? Then invoke just the right amount of brain wave frequencies and slide into a state of deep meditation.

These beats are embedded into a music file of soothing music and introduced into the brain through your earphones. There are of course other methods including biofeedback and autogenic or even traditional methods like yoga and music to soothe the mind and reprogram the subconscious with positive thinking.

The possibilities are endless. If you ever feel constantly depressed and need to rekindle you drive to live and drive to succeed, then just give your brain waves a push in the right direction. They say that we only use a very small percentage of our brain; imagine the control over our own lives and the goals we can accomplish when we can wield the full capacity of our minds.