Increase Your IQ With Mind Enhancement Methods and Subliminal Messaging

Opposing popular belief you can actually increase your iq score, it changes with age, and education, and with training you can improve it. As cheesy as it may sound genius really is only 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Most of us fail in the 99% perspiration criteria. Our IQ depends a lot on our mental framework, clarity, focus and problem solving ability; therefore in order to improve our IQ we need to accomplish the develop our minds:

Change your mental framework

Our mental framework depends a lot on our conditioning. We may be some great with some subjects - perhaps if we were constantly told we didn't have the ability to perform well by the teacher. So, if we could de condition ourselves our intelligence would improve dramatically.

Be more focused

Our lack of concentration could be because our mind is usually cluttered with too many experiences and thoughts. This happens when we are either under a lot of stress or do not give ourselves enough time to process an experience before moving on to the next one. Therefore learning to be more focused would involve approaching a problem with a clear mind and training it to solve one problem at a time.

Improve problem solving ability

This would require at least 50% of the 99% perspiration! Learning and grasping new concepts and ideas isn't difficult if you can stay motivated and approach the process with an open mind. For instance you may have faced a problem with languages if your grammar basics were not clear, therefore in order to improve on that front, you would need to make effort to learn these basics from scratch, for this you would need motivation and an open mind.

You may be wondering now, “All this is great! But how do I go about accomplishing these goals?” well, here’s how-

Meditate regularly

Regular meditation can help you improve your stress resistance and overall concentration power. Meditation involves focusing your attention on a mundane task, such as your breathing, a chanting a mantra; regular practice will train your mind to focus on a task with full attention.

Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations work by the simple logic that whatever one hears repeatedly becomes his/her belief. For instance if a child has always been told that he/she is ugly then that is what he/she will grow up to believe. On the other hand, if you are told by an authority figure, or even jsut youreself over and over you will begin to believe in yourself and you will do better in the subject - this is known as the "self fulfilling prophect".

Listen to subliminal messages

Our subconscious directs our so called “natural behavior”. Things like saying hi when you meet someone or laughing in a particular manner, which you seem to do “unconsciously”, are actually behavior patterns which are embedded in your subconscious. When we repeat something over and over then in time it just becomes part of us - our normal behavior. Subliminal messages can modify our behavior as they have the power to influence our subconscious.

Even free subliminal mp3s can not only increase your ability to concentrate, focus but can also stimulate both the language / creative, and the logical / mathematical areas of your brain so that you will process and use the given information in a better way – increasing your brain functioning and helping you to improve your IQ

Don’t let your negative attitude and beliefs stop you from realizing your true potential, instead take control of your life and get ready to climb the ladder of academic success - try our increase iq cd today!